Secret Bodybuilding Tips - 3 Things to Avoid If You Want Lean Muscles Using the Best Supplements!

Once you set your target as stocking lean muscle mass, you would come across numerous advice from all directions on how to achieve that end, what to do, which exercises to appropriate, which gym to join, what food to eat and the likes. But interestingly, not many would tell you what to stay off from or avoid for a smooth, fruitful experience. I however believe that the consequences of an endeavor do not depend as much on what you go for than they do on what you avoid falling for. In line with that, here is some help on what to avoid if you want lean muscle mass with bodybuilding supplements:

1. Supplements With Nitric Oxide

You could have heard lots about nitric oxide bodybuilding supplements but believe me, they never deliver real results. All they can do is to give your muscles a massive pump minus the strength. The purpose to gain muscle mass is then defeated altogether. So please stay away from these, no matter how luring the promotions and advertisements for these are.

2. Taking Supplements At A Stretch

Consuming body building supplements at a stretch without giving breaks in between could lead to dire consequences such as addiction or over-dependence on them as your body adapts to them (especially caffeine and ephedrine), increased chances of CNS fatigue, reduced weight gain over time and the likes. Be sure of cycling the supplements then instead on becoming a regular user.

3. Skipping Meals

Skipping meals and compromising upon your nutrition is the worst you could do towards your body building endeavor. Eating healthy is an important part of the bodybuilding process and please do not try to meddle with the basics. Over-insistence on supplements, expecting them to work miracles in the absence of a nutritious diet intake is an erroneous belief. Eating 5-6 solid muscle-building meals each day will build more muscle than any supplement ever could, so please do not compromise on that. Remember that you need to add 500 calories above your maintenance & total expenditure levels to get that beefed-up look and only a steady nutritive food intake would guarantee that.

Avoid these in sincerity and rest assured, bodybuilding and getting that much-desired physique would be a smooth sail for you.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_J_Schwarzenegger