Most of us would do just about anything to have a sexy stomach and ripped abs, but so few people are able to achieve it, that we often think we won't be one of the "lucky ones" either, so we've all but given up. After all, there are people who workout five or six days a week and still can't get rid of all their stomach fat. It's truly a wonder they continue to believe that the workout they've been doing for years will eventually work and they will have the sexy, taut, ripped abs they so desperately desire.
During my five years as a personal trainer, I've seen a number of fads that promise to be "the best solution for a flat stomach." The fads come and the fads go. The fads come, of course, to make money. They go because, of course, they don't offer a solution for achieving ripped abs that works.
The following are three of the best tips I know for getting those sexy abs that you've been after.
1.Nutrition is Key!
First and foremost, you must offer your body the nutrients is needs so your body can feed your muscles, helping you recover more quickly from each workout. Eating healthy means eating as many whole foods as you can. Whole foods are those that are found in their natural state - an apple for instance. So aim for fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, and whole grains, not boxed, pre-made, or frozen foods.
2.Your workouts shouldn't be focused on your abs.
Oftentimes, I see people doing 40 minutes of exercises meant to tone the stomach - crunches, sit ups, etc. This is actually highly ineffective and can actually be rather dangerous. You will find in the book, The Truth About Abs, a full array of multi-joint exercises that are tremendously effective for burning body fat and revealing sexy, ripped abs.
3.You should take action today!
We all tend to say "I'll start my new diet after the weekend" or "I'll begin working out after the holidays have passed". If you really want to rid yourself of that flabby, stubborn stomach, begin today. The faster you begin the journey, the faster you will arrive at your destination - those ripped abs that will make your stomach sexy!
Start now! You can get a free program designed by a certified trainer on how to get ripped and lean by clicking Getting Ripped
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