When anyone is starting out with resistance training, their first question often is, "What is the best big arm workout?" What many do not realize is the secret to a big arm workout lies not in curls and bench press that primarily isolate the biceps and triceps respectively, but compound exercises that recruit multiple muscle groups in the arm simultaneously.
Why Compound Exercises?
It is best to think of your arms as an entire system of muscles that work in concert to exert either a pushing or pulling motion. By engaging in compound rather than isolation exercises, one can enable serious hypertrophy in a variety of muscles in a smaller time frame while allowing the body to maintain a more natural ratio of muscle sizes. Training every muscle in the system also helps prevent injuries that can be caused by support muscles lagging behind the major groups.
Which Compound Exercises are Best for a Big Arm Workout?
The two best exercises for growing the arms are overhand close-grip pullups and dips. Pullups recruit almost every muscle group in the upper body that aids in pulling, from the forearms to biceps and even into the back. To get the most from them, one must practice proper form which includes gripping the bar with one's hands no further apart than the shoulders and ensuring the chin reaches hand level.
Do not be discouraged if it is difficult to perform even one full pullup at first. Progress will be quick, and to ensure maximum hypertrophy, keep reps low and weight high. Once a set of ten is no longer difficult, try using a belt to hang extra weights on the waist.
Dips can be thought of as reverse pullups. Most gyms will offer a machine for them that makes hand placement simple. The key to getting the most out of dips is the same as pullups: Correct form and continuously adding weight as strength is gained. Ensure a full range of motion by dropping low enough that the forearm is perpendicular to the upper arm and go just short of lockout on the upward motion.
Support Exercises and Final Thoughts
Including the better known isolation exercises like curls and triceps pulldowns with a suitable number of repetitions (100 per muscle group is a good general number to aim for in a workout), proper rest, and a good diet ensures rapid results and balanced growth of the entire arm. Listen to the body, do not overwork through any unusual pain, and reap the rewards.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brady_Dylan