Bodybuilding Workout Routines - Workout Tips For Bodybuilders

In a previous article I wrote about four bodybuilding workout routines to augment your current workouts. This article will expand on that and discuss three more basic workout techniques that every bodybuilder should know and use in their regiment. These include twenty-ones, forced reps, and super sets.

1. Twenty-Ones - this is a great technique that will stimulate muscle fibers that may be underworked with a traditional repetition. So if you feel a portion of a muscle group is lagging behind the definitely use this technique. The technique basically involves performing 21 one repetitions of the same exercise for the same muscle group. You will perform 7 reps in the early range, 7 at the top range and 7 through full range of motion.

Let's look at the bench press. You would start with the bar on your chest. Lift the weight to mid-position. Do this 7 times. Then lift the weight so your arms are near fully extended. Lower the weight to mid position and push to the top of the motion. Perform this 7 times. Lastly, lower the weight to your chest and perform 7 reps through full range of motion. Best to use a spotter for this one as you can fatigue quickly and easily when using the right weight.

2. Forced Reps - another great technique to fatigue your muscle fibers. This technique can fully exhaust your muscles to the point where it will be difficult to move only under your own weight. Best done last in your workouts. You'll need a training partner. You perform the exercise in the normal fashion for as many reps as you can do. When you can't lift the weight anymore your partner helps you just enough to complete the rep. Continue this until your partner has to take most of the load. When this happens you know you have fatigued your muscles fully.

3. Super Sets - this bodybuilding workout routines technique is used to work opposing muscle groups. You perform super sets by doing two exercises for one muscle group and one exercise for the opposing group or vice versa. There is no rest in between sets. Only rest after the complete super set is done. We can stick with our chest example. The opposing muscle group to your chest are your back muscles. You would perform one set of flat bench press, followed by one set of bent over barbell rows followed by another flat bench set. Do these in a row without rest. When all three exercises are completed rest 2 to 3 minutes then repeat. You could substitute another chest exercise for the last set of flat bench press like incline bench or dumbbell presses. Don't forget to mix it up even more by performing two back exercises and one chest exercise at your next workout.

There are many more bodybuilding tips available. This article covers 3 basic techniques including twenty ones, forced reps and super sets. Start using them by picking one or two techniques to incorporate each week for each muscle group. You will be surprised by the results.

If you would like to learn more about bodybuilding workout routines from a world renowned fitness expert that will produce results quickly then visit us now at: Bodybuilding Workout Routines [http://www.howtogetleanmusclereview.com/index_1.html].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Harris