How to Build Muscle Easy - Quick Mass Building Tips

We all want to know how to build muscle easy and get that Hollywood look, but how can you accelerate the process? Many want to add size to their frame with the least amount of time and it is possible, but it will require some work on your half.

As we all know, when we want something bad enough we will dedicate ourselves to it and work for it. I'm not saying that this is going to take up every bit of your time but you will need to put a little work in to build muscle easy.

Calories Aren't Just Calories!

Plain and simple, if you eat like a bird you will look like a bird! You must add calories to your diet and not just any kind of calories; we're talking about foods made to add muscle fast. These include protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

You can eat baked chicken, fish or turkey for your protein needs as well as a shake to help out with protein consumption. Complex carbohydrates include wheat's, brown pasta, and oatmeal. And healthy fats come from foods such as avocado, flaxseed, and nuts. All these will help you put on muscle easy and fast.

Workout Program A Must

You should have a workout program that utilizes your entire body to help break down your muscles so they can repair. Don't let your nutrition go to waste, all those calories need to be used so you can build muscle.

You should always look to keep adding weight to your lifts. Never stick to the same routine and allow your body to stay consistent. This will only waste all your hard work; you should always change up your routine and keep your muscles off balanced.

By doing this you will disable the plateau effect that happens when the body adapts to the inconsistencies. Shocking your muscles and forcing them to grow by gradually adding weight to your lifts and using interchangeable routines will add size to your frame.

Ok keep reading this is important! Take a couple of minutes to read the next page... you will discover what I did that took me from 142LBS to 161LBS in 2 ½ months. Specifically designed to force your muscles to grow, you will easily gain pounds of muscle weight in weeks guaranteed. I strongly urge you to go on to the next page and take the muscle building challenge before it's too late - Click Here [http://www.howtoburnfatandgainmuscle.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_B.