Everyone keeps talking about how Turbulence Training is an amazing program for fat loss. Well, it is, but it's also an incredible program for putting on muscle mass.
The typical Turbulence Training workout actually helps you pack on muscle mass and lose fat at the same time. However, just a few minor tweaks turn your typical fat burning workouts into mass building routines.
These tweaks include increasing the rest period between each set, and increasing the weight you use per exercise. In addition, reducing the amount of cardio you do and increasing your caloric intake will also help you pack on muscle.
Craig Ballantyne has actually created 9 separate muscle building routines, with a price range of $9.95 to $19.95. These programs are beneficial for individuals who have been training at home or in the gym for quite some time, and just need a unique program to shock their body back into growth.
8 Reasons why You should Purchase a Turbulence Training Muscle Building Workout
1. Most people need to build muscle in order to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so you actually burn more fat for every pound of muscle you put on.
2. Turbulence Training workouts are hard and intense. Most people are wasting their time in the gym because they're not pushing themselves hard enough. That won't be the case with a TT workout.
3. Everyone knows that to pack on muscle, you need to stick to compound movements. That's exactly what Craig Ballantyne recommends. 95% of the exercises he uses in his workouts are compound.
4. Turbulence Training mass building workouts are perfect for individuals who don't want to spend a lot of money on a fitness program. These affordable routines are effective without draining your bank account.
5. The individual workouts are also great for people who are facing a plateau in their training. Typical bodybuilding workouts do work to a certain extent, but we all need a shock to our body sometimes.
6. Most people don't want a "bulky" bodybuilder look. Turbulence Training workouts help you pack on muscle mass without looking bulky. In fact, the muscles you build will be proportional and functional.
7. Many of the fat burning workouts Craig produces also build lean muscle mass. So you can only imagine how great the muscle building workouts will be for muscle mass.
8. Bodybuilding workouts are boring. Doing the same thing week in and week out is tough, and hard to stick to. Turbulence Training workouts are actually fun and exciting.
To check out all the individual Turbulence Training workouts, check out my blog ShahTraining.com [http://shahtraining.com/workout-without-weights/bodyweight-blueprint-for-fat-loss-review/bodyweight-exercise-revolution/turbulence-training-workouts/].
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