Bootcamp Workout - The Super Blast Challenge

Title: Super Blast Challenge
Equipment: None
Players: 1+
Time: 10 minutes
Aim: To complete the task as fast as possible
Round One:
Step one
Walk downs: From feet wide, walk down in to the press up position and perform 10 press ups, walk back up to standing.
Step two
Put your hands on the back of your head and perform 10 squat jumps

Step Three
Now perform 10 burpees followed by a 20 metre shuttle sprint

Complete the drill for ten rounds; knock off one repetition from both the press ups and the burpees for each round. Squat jumps will always remain the same throughout the challenge, for example
Round 1 - 10 walk downs/10 Squat jumps/10 Burpees/20 metre shuttle sprint
Round 2 - 9 walk downs/10 Squat jumps/9 Burpees/20 metre shuttle sprint
Round 3 - 8 walk downs/10 Squat jumps/8 Burpees/20 metre shuttle sprint

Finish with a 400 metre best effort run


Mark out two running routes, a longer and shorter.

The super blast challenge is great for assessing fitness. Simply time the event and log each player's time. Repeat the following month and challenge your clients to beat their times.

To spice up the challenge include some of the hidden extras in to the workout, just be sure to include the same ones when you repeat the challenge.

Hidden Extras

At four different points during the challenge, the instructor must blow their whistle. Each time the whistle is blown; players must find a partner, link legs and perform 20 sit ups together. Once they have done this they can continue on with the challenge.

At any point during the challenge the instructor can shout "Plank", the last person in the plank must sprint around and pat each player on the back whist repeating to each of them "you're doing a great job", once finished the player can continue on with the challenge.

At three different points during the challenge, the instructor must blow their whistle, each time the whistle is blown; players must perform ten, 20 metres shuttle sprints before continuing on with the challenge.

At three different points during the challenge, the instructor must blow their whistle. Each time the whistle is blown; players must sprint 400 metres to perform a trio of exercises before continuing on with the challenge, for example.

30 Jumping jacks
30 Forward lunges
30 Kettle bell curl to press

At three different points during the challenge, the instructor must blow their whistle. Each time the whistle is blown; players must sprint 400 metres. This is a timed run out. As the player's return, the instructor must shout out their times as they cross the finish line. The player must record their time next to their name on a sheet of paper (write down all names in a list before the session starts) before continuing on with the challenge. Players must attempt to beat their original time after each run out. This method can also be turned in to a team challenge.

Before the main challenge begins, split the group in to two teams, at the end of the main challenge, each player will be left with three run out times next to their name.

Take the first and third running time for each player. Each player receives a point for every second they beat their first run out time by, for example.
First run out time: 2 mins 34
Third run out time: 2 mins 24
Total score for that player = 10 seconds (points)

The instructor must add up all team scores at the end of the main challenge, the team with the most points win. It will take you a few minutes to total up the points so make sure you have a task prepared for the group whilst you do this, or announce it on your Facebook page later that night to provoke interest. If you do this just make sure you get both teams to come up with a good team name at the start of the session.

When the whistle is blown, encourage players to take the time to remember what round they are on within the challenge, otherwise they are likely to forget once they return back to the challenge.

So there you have it, just make sure you keep things fresh in your bootcamp and be sure to visit my blog for more bootcamp ideas.

For 5 free fun and creative workouts, please visit my blog at Unique Bootcamp Workouts. Here you will find some great workouts, tips and tricks that will take your workouts to a whole new level.

Have fun!

Leon Melnicenko

Leon is currently putting together a fitness blog to help instructors all over the world come up with new, creative and fresh ideas to use in their bootcamps and group exercise classes.

For 5 free fun and creative workouts, please visit my blog. Bootcamp Workouts

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leon_Paul_Melnicenko