The best abdominal exercises to get six pack abs are not the targeted exercises. It is a myth that sit-ups and crunches will get you six pack abs. Sometimes it is possible if you do them for years and years but to train your abdominal region there are better workouts to do. Before you do any of these exercises you must have a nutrition plan as well. Six pack abs are only possible if your body fat percentage is under ten percent for men and twelve-thirteen percent for women. The abs exercises you will find below are not only good for the abs but they work the entire body as well.
Renegade dumbbell rows are one of those exercises where you really feel it in your abs. Start in push-up position with the hand on two dumbbells. Row one dumbbell up and stabilize your body with the other arm. Then row one dumbbell up and stabilize your body with the other arm. Push the dumbbell to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the other arm.
Front squats are considered as a leg exercise but can be used as a very effective abdominal exercise as well. Front squats are done with the barbell on front on your body, on the front of the shoulders. Stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulder while keeping your elbows out in front of the body. The first time you will do front squats this exercise will not be easy. Ask a professional trainer at your gym to help you with the exercise.
The mountain climber workout resembles climbing a mountain but then flat on the floor. Start in a push-up position and then shuffle your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back to starting position. To get a really full body exercise shuffle your hand eight-ten inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements.
It is recommended that you rest about thirty second after each exercise. These are one of the best abs exercises you can do without using directly abdominal exercises.
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