How To Build Muscle In 3 Days

Muscle building, contrary to what you will read all over the internet, is not mysterious, and doesn't require you to buy the secret formula or method to be able to do it. It is simple, basic and free. Pick any hour of any day to start. But know this. For the next 72 consecutive hours you will have to follow these steps, in order, and without any interruption to be successful.

In the first hour write down the weights you will do in the twenty sets of the workout I describe below. Also drink a pre workout shake that has twice the carbs as protein (BSN's No-Xplode or Musletechs NaNo Vapor are excellent choices).

In the second hour you must go to the gym and workout, seriously, for that entire hour. Your workout must consist of 2 body parts (you chose) and no more. Your workout will involve 2 compound exercises, with the primary muscle of each being the two body parts you selected. A compound exercise works multiple muscles at the same time. An example would be choosing chest and back as your body parts. Your compound exercise choices would be bench press and seated row. You will also do 1 isolation move for each of the body parts. Continuing the example, we would go with flies for chest and single arm rows for back. Do 5 sets of each of the 4 exercises, pyramid with the forth set being the heaviest. Do 6 reps on the first 4 sets of each and on the fifth set go to total failure. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

In the third hour consume a post workout protein shake that has twice the protein as carbs (the exact reverse of the pre workout shake). Any protein powder or muscle milk will do (or a weight gainer like Cytosports Cytogainer if you are a hard gainer).

Hours 4 through 16 you will eat 4 meals of high protein, low carb, with each meal consisting of around 600 calories. Hours 17- 24 you will sleep 8 hours. Hours 25 - 40 you need to eat 5 meals of 600 (high protein, low carb) calories each. Hours 41 - 48 you will drink a protein shake less than 30 minutes before bed and then sleep 8 full hours again. In hours 49 - 72 you repeat what you did in hours 25 - 48.

It has now been 72 hours. Your chest and back are bigger than they were 72 hours ago. Take the sheet where you wrote down your weights for each exercise in the beginning and in 1 set of each of the 4 exercises add 5% more weight, and do it again.

No mystery, no secret, no cost. Just a lot of discipline and hard gym time. Same as it has always been and always will be.

Steve R. Robbins has been a life long fitness enthusiast. Has the distinction of being able to run a marathon and bench press twice his weight in the same day. All at the age of 50. Editor and regular contributor to [http://www.MuscleandHealth.org]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_R_Robbins

Build Muscle Fast! 7 to 15 Days!

This one is a dream come true for all those blokes who have been dreaming for a rock hard physique without spending too much time on it. Imagine muscles ripping through that new t-shirt that simply refused to do anything but hang loose akin a scarecrow's clothes. 15 days seems like an ideal time to invest in bodybuilding, doesn't it? Infomercials like these are floating around in the online world for years now. They are very much like the advertisements that you used to read in comic books years ago. "Turn from Dud to Stud in 7 days". "Are you a weakling? Turn into the incredible hulk in 7 days" It is usually accompanied by a couple of before and after pictures (Geez!). The first one (before) usually shows a painfully malnourished guy who looks like he was on a fasting spree for years and the second picture (after) shows the same guy with an absolute ripped lean torso that would put a Greek god to shame. And he has done it in 15 days. So, why cant you?

Fact or Myth?

Here comes the big question. Do you believe in this? Can a normal human being turn into a muscled Greek god in as less as 15 days? The answer is no. It's sad but true. Keep in mind that this is coming from a guy who has been a 90 pound weakling for the most part of his life. Yes, yours truly has been there and done that. So, here's a low down on all those gain muscle, lose fat fast techniques, e-books and videos that are selling like hot cakes on the internet.

Gaining muscle the right way: No amount of heavy lifting, eating or consuming bodybuilding supplements or even taking anabolic steroids is going to bring about the transformation that you visualize in those ads. The only people gaining anything are the ones who are selling those products to newbies like you. A more realistic look at bodybuilding reveals that if you have a damn good week at the gym and combine it with the right diet and rest, then you can add up to 1 pound of muscle a week. That's the maximum. Yes, you heard it right. One pound per week. So rather than becoming your own enemy and stacking up on unrealistic goals, set yourself a realistic one and work towards achieving it.

The workout

As a beginner, you should always focus on building up strength and muscle definition. So rather than trying to bench 200 pounds in the first week, try to lift weights that you are comfortable with. Stick to free weight exercises rather than specialized machines.

The diet

Some smart person once said that muscles are created in the kitchen, not in the gym. It couldn't have been more precise. You have to eat right to make any sort of muscle gain. And remember to go slow and make gradual increments in the number of calories that you consume each week. If you try to stuff too many things into your system at once, you will end up barfing all over the place.


It is so easy to go over the board when you start your bodybuilding attempts. But you need to understand that your body needs rest to recuperate. Without rest, you are only going to end up straining your muscles and will have no significant gains to show even after months. So if you haven't been catching those 40 winks, now is the time to do it.

Put it all together

Now you have the perfect ensemble for a beginner's bodybuilding routine. Stick to these three basic techniques and you will be all set to go on to level two in about three months time. And here's a tiny reminder. The next time someone tries to sell you an e-book or a training guide that promises to help you gain muscle in 7 days or 15 days for that matter, you politely tell them 'anda a bañarte' (Spanish for 'take a hike')!

Sanjay is a freelance content writer. He likes to twiddle around with words and ends up weaving out readable, compelling articles ! To peek into his world of articles, visit http://www.sanjaynair.com now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sanjay_Nair

How To Gain Muscle - Tips On How To Gain Muscle Fast

Muscle building is really not a difficult thing to do when you have the right tools for it. It is important that you know the proper way of how to gain muscle before you even start on the job. Why? It is because every effort will be useless if you do not take heed of the fact that you should, at least, have tips on how it should be done.

The purpose of this article is to give you pointers on how you can effectively put muscles in your body in a few weeks' time.

Know Your Body Type

You need to gauge your body type. It will make a big difference if you know the body type you have. There are three types of body: the ectomorph, the endomorph, and the mesomorph.

An ectomorph is someone who is naturally thin. Everything he eats does not really make him fat. Why? This is because he also has a fast metabolic rate. He burns calories fast.

An endomorph is someone who easily gets fat. He has a slow metabolism and is most likely to be sedentary rather than active like the ectomorph.

A mesomorph is an individual who is more muscular by nature. He can easily build more muscles than any of the two types mentioned above.

Make An Exercise Routine

When you already know your body type, you will be able to make a specific exercise scheme for yourself. It is necessary that you check into different workout booklets that will guide you on this. Know about the different exercise routines and the exercises you will need to concentrate on more than the others.

Make A Specific Diet Plan

You will also need to change your diet. Since you will be building up on muscles, you will need a specific diet that will help you on that. Protein is the thing that your body will need. Depending on your body type, you will need to cut down on several food substances and have more of others.


You need to know how to gain muscle properly. It is important that you get to know the different routines and the different exercise workouts that will be best for you, depending on the type of body you have. Your diet will also be important because it is your food that will give you strength to do the job. Knowing and applying all these will help you build muscles fast.

Want tips on how to get abs, as well? Visit our website and find interesting tips on tricep workouts too!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_A_Bradford

How To Build The Side Of The Arm Muscle - 5 Tips

Building a well-sculpted body requires more than knowing just a few types of exercises. Rather, you need to target specific muscles in each part of your body with specific exercises designed to work those parts.

Take the arms, for example. Most people who work out focus mainly on the biceps (front, inside of arm) and triceps (back of arm). But, what about those muscles on the sides of the arm? By targeting those muscle groups, as well, you stand to gain muscles in place you never knew you had them.

Here are 5 tips for how to build the side of the arm muscle:

1. The upper part of the side of your arm is called the medial (side) deltoid:

First, let's get our terminology straight. When we talk about the side of the arm muscle, we really need to distinguish between two types of muscles: the medial deltoid and the brachialis.

The deltoid muscle - which extends directly down from the shoulder blades and into the top of the arms - actually has three parts: front, side, and back. The medial (side) deltoid is the one that looks like it is on the side of your arm.

2. The lower part of the side of your arm is called the brachialis:

Moving down your arm a bit, you have a separate muscle called the brachialis. This is situated between the biceps and triceps muscles.

Together, a set of well-developed medial deltoid and brachialis muscles will give the sides of your arms the look you want.

3. For your deltoids, do side lateral raises:

There are a number of exercises that can work out your medial deltoid muscles. We focus here on side lateral raises. Here's how:

a. Pick up two light dumbbells (5-15 lbs.).

b. Stand with your feet apart, about shoulder-width.

c. Hold the dumbbells just in front of your body with the palms of your hands facing each other while slightly bending your elbows.

d. Raise the weights out to the sides and upwards in a semicircular arc until they are just above shoulder level. Hold this position for a moment, then lower them back to the starting position.

e. Repeat.

4. For your brachialis, do the dumbbell bent-over row:

A great exercise for your brachialis muscles is the dumbbell bent-over row. Here is what to do:

a. Stand with your knees bent and your upper body at about a 60-degree angle.

b. Now with the weights fully extended downward in your arms, bring them straight up to your chest by contracting your shoulder blades fully.

c. Inhale and then slowly return the weights to the starting position.

d. Repeat.

5. Also for your brachialis, try reverse curls:

Here is another good one that is designed to increase the size and definition of your brachialis:

a. Stand up straight, with your back and head straight forward and upward.

b. Grab a barbell with palms out and down (rather than up and toward you). Grip the bar at shoulder width, slowly raising the weight with your elbows tight up against your body.

c. Once the weight has reached the top, lower it slowly back down to the starting position.

Bonus tip: by focusing mentally on the muscles you want to really build up while you do these exercises, you can actually improve the intensity of the workout that these muscles get. By focusing on them, your body will naturally send more energy in those areas.

Try these tips on how to build the muscles on the sides of your arms.

Check out this body-training guide that requires no weights or equipment, designed by the go-to-guy trainer of elite warriors, special ops, and Navy Seals: Commando Body Training Guide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jed_C._Jones_Ph.D.

Get the Low Down Secrets on Bodybuilding and Fitness

The truth is out: bodybuilding is not just for "Mr. Universe" types or the guys that flex at the beach. It's not just for the "ripped" look with 6-pack abs. The fact of the matter is that many of the weight lifting routines that bodybuilders use are the foundation for the fitness required for many other sports.

Let's take a look at a few:

The bench-press; this weight lifting exercise helps to build the biceps, triceps, and the shoulders. These muscles are useful for swimming, pole vaulting and any sport that involves upper body strength.

Squats; not only do they strengthen the legs, but the back as well. This is useful for running, jumping and other sports involving the use of the lower body. Just make sure you do them correctly.

The dead lift (no, we're not talking bodies here); strengthens the back, upper body and legs.

The military press; builds the shoulders and arms.

Another exercise that helps to build the upper back is rowing; whether done with a cable machine or dumbbells.

The arm curl is popular because it builds the biceps muscle. This is a good exercise for beginners because the evidence of your working out shows easily. By being able to display results your confidence is boosted and encourages you to continue to develop other muscle groups.

You will get a strong muscular body if you do these exercises. You will also be in shape for a number of sports. But in addition to exercise you must consider good nutrition as well. Increasing protein helps to gain muscle. As a side benefit you will replace fat with muscle. Muscle building exercises also increases metabolism and this helps keep your weight under control. Check with your local nutrition store to see what supplements might be available. Under no circumstances should you use steroids to gain muscles. Not only are they illegal in many places, steroids can have devastating effects on your health.

So, the key to optimal performance in any sport is a good workout that targets the muscles required. Although not the goal, a well sculpted body may be a nice side benefit too.

If you want to learn more about specific workout plans, more about weight training and one of the best muscle building programs around, click here at 1fitnessinformation.com [http://1fitnessinformation.com/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roger_Michaelson

Holiday Gift Ideas For Your Bodybuilding and Fitness Friends

Do you know someone who is a total fanatic about hitting the weights, knocking out cardio, training very hard in the gym, living healthy, and looking their best? Well, the holiday season is upon us and this is a great time of year to let them know exactly how much they mean to you. Here are some holiday gift ideas that will help them to move closer to reaching their health & fitness goals, and allow you to check them off your holiday shopping lists!

Workout Equipment

Check out their home gym and see what they have, and what they're missing. Keep a Sports Authority or JCPenney's catalog sitting around, and ask them for advice on what equipment you should buy for yourself. Ask them which pieces they have, and which they wish they owned. If they train at a commercial gym, you may discover they would sure enjoy a new back brace or pair of workout gloves, or perhaps some shoes, to complement their workout. Check out their shoes sitting by the door and text the number to yourself, and find the perfect present!


Look in the cabinet of your friend and see what protein power he or she frequently uses. If you have a smart phone, use it to scan the barcode or just take a clear picture of the product to ensure you purchase the right item. Pick up a new flavor if you really want to spice things up for your very fit friend!

Gift Cards

Why not let your musclebound friend pick out his or her own present with a gift card to their favorite nutritional store. There are supplement shops in every city. When in doubt, you can rest assured that your very hard-training friend likes to eat. So a gift card to the grocery store will also suffice!

Gym Memberships

If you know what gym your buddy attends, you can always present him or her with an extra 6 months or year of the gym! Or perhaps tack on some à la carte sessions with a personal trainer. If your friend has been lagging in the motivation department lately, schedule him or her a date with a trainer guaranteed to deliver some new drive in the gym!

Tanning, Massage & Makeover

Everybody lifts to look good and feel good, and there is nothing like a quick tan, a massage, or a makeover to alleviate soreness, bring out muscle detail, or just have your friend looking better than ever. A $100 gift card to a full-service salon can often deliver all three, and that can't be beat!

If you want to get in the best shape of your life - you need to check out Primal Muscle. There you will find the hottest training strategies, nutrition tips, diet plans, and even custom workouts... plus you will have access to world-class sports supplements that will help you reach your goals fast... don't delay - visit the Primal Muscle Training Blog today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher

Fitness and Bodybuilding Supplements - An Overview

Energy boosters. Fat burners. Protein powders. Vitamins. Minerals. If you have a goal for your fitness or body building program, there is sure to be a fitness or bodybuilding supplement formulated to help you meet it. A quick Internet search will have you inundated with manufacturers' claims of nearly instant improvement in your strength and stamina, but before you spend any money on a performance enhancing supplement, you should get a better idea of what the different kinds of supplements are available.

Go natural

Whatever sort of supplements you chose, try to find those which are natural supplements made from plants or animal tissue extract, and these are by far the safest fitness and bodybuilding supplements. They contain minimal amounts of chemicals, and will be suitable for people of any age or fitness level. Among these supplements, you should look for herbal or plant extracts rich in natural minerals, vitamins and animal extracts with high protein content.

Some of the more popular natural supplements are fish oil, and green tea or olive leaf extract. And one really surprising one is androstenedione, which is found in Scotch pine trees, and is converted in the body to testosterone.

These supplements have the added bonus of adding very few calories to your diet for the amount of nutrition they offer.

Protein powders

Bodybuilders especially will benefit from the use of protein powders. Many of these supplements are enriched with the amino acid L-arginine, which plays an important role in your muscles' production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, in turn, lengthens the filaments in your muscles so that they have an increased surface area to receive nutrients from the blood. The extra nutrients can be used to produce new muscle mass. But because L-arginine also stimulates fluid excretion, you should keep track of just how much you are getting from all your supplements.

Protein powders come in many different formulas targeted to different fitness goals. If you want to lose fat, go for a low-carb, low-calorie protein powder; if you want to build muscle, go for the high-protein, high calorie protein powder with small amounts of fat and sugar. Protein powders are great for eating on the go, because you simply add them to water for a satisfying and nutritious protein shake.

Whey-based protein powders are considered the most nutritious, because they are broken down into the largest amounts of the branched-chain amino acids from which muscle tissue is built.

Anabolic Flavones

Anabolic flavones (not related to anabolic hormones) improve you body's synthesis of protein as well as its nitrogen retention, so you build more muscle mass. You will also absorb your protein supplements better with anabolic flavones. benefit from improved absorption

Amino acid supplements

Amino acid supplements will provide your body with the "building blocks" it needs to create muscle mass. Look for an amino acid supplement taken from the most protein-concentrated source possible (meat and fish are better than protein-rich vegetables like peas. But make sure you're not allergic to the source; dairy based amino acid supplements can be a problem for some people.

L-glutamine, L-leucine and L-arginine (mentioned earlier) are three essential amino acids which play important parts in muscle cellular function, and are included in many fitness and body building supplements. L-Glutamine is also sold in powder form, and can be used to complement creatine, as long as the two are not taken simultaneously.


Creatine occurs naturally in your body, and is involved in the production of ATP, which
your main energy source. Creatine supplementation is safe, and will increase your ATP so that you can work out longer.

There are also multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplements specifically formulated for fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts, so why not spend some time educating yourself on what's available, and what will help you reach your fitness goals as quickly and safely as you can?

Seth Leon writes on bodybuilding and fitness supplements and currently runs, among others, an informational website providing real and factual information on bodybuilding and fitness supplements like Gakic, as well as Gakic Reviews [http://www.gakic-review.net/gakic-review].

For more information please go to [http://www.gakic-review.net].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Seth_Leon

Awareness Of Amateur Bodybuilding Fitness Plans

Bodybuilding fitness isn't easy to appreciate as different programs need to be applied initially before you're able to accomplish your goal of having a well defined body. Nonetheless, these various amateur bodybuilding fitness programs won't function without the drive of the muscle-builder to do the individual body building training routine in their everyday life dependent on the body's need.

If you are dedicated enough to attempt the muscle building industry, you ought to recognize the fundamentals of amateur bodybuilding fitness practises You'll be able to do this by reading and researching various muscle building books or magazines you can discover in your local area. Other than that, advice or an opinion from experts or associates will also offer you encouragement in continuing what you've began in the this fitness industry.

Be mindful that any free bodybuilding routine is offered contingent on the age of the individual. Always ensure that you're physically fit to execute those routines as the equipment might injury you during the performance if not used correctly. Not all fitness procedures are safe to execute and not all body building accessories are safe to practice with so it is better not to run a risk if you've any doubt on any particular workout.

Other than the ideal body building routine, the correct food ingestion also leads to maintaining the bodybuilder's condition. It is also necessary to always take into account the ideal food preparation plan. A body builder needs to always remember that the any use of steroids or growth hormones for their muscle development is forbidden.

Negative habits will certainly stop you from setting your goals but if you're fed with the ideal meals and ample amounts of exercising, you'll for sure be wise and active enough to do the ideal body building routine.

If you're Interesting in Learning the Honest Truth about Research Proven step-by-step how to's for Full Body Workouts, Nutrition Plans, Fat Loss, Body Building Weight Training [http://www.bodybuildingnstuff.com/] & gaining Defined Abdominals for Good, take a look at [http://www.bodybuildingnstuff.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_Lintern

The Best Exercises For Building Muscle to Get the Fastest Results Possible!

If you're serious about building muscle fast, then you need to know the best exercises for building muscle. In order to get the results that you are looking for you must choose the exercises that are known to work. People have a tendency to find a way to avoid some of these movements and they are cheating themselves. Don't be like those people. Take these exercises and add them to your workout to get the fastest results.

1) DEADLIFT - Not too many weight training exercises work as many muscle groups and build muscle as fast as the deadlift. It doesn't get any better as a whole body exercise. It hits your quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips (posterior chain), back, neck, traps, shoulders, biceps and forearms. A deadlift is the most basic exercise anyone can do. Everyone focuses on the bench press when you want to know how strong someone, but a strong deadlift is the real measure of how strong and powerful you really are. It's also a functional exercise because bending down and picking a weight up off the floor is something that everyone does. Its not likely people will find themselves on their back needing to push a heavyweight off their chest but everyone has to bend down and pick things up. Definitely one of the best exercises for building muscle.

2) SQUAT - Has been known as the "king of all muscle building exercises". Full Squats where your thighs are parallel to the ground, not partials! Like deadlifts, squats require a huge amount of muscle mass, thus stimulating the release of anabolic hormones such as testosterone. This is great for building muscle fast. Get under the bar and do free weight squats, not smith machine squats. If you are really serious about developing any kind of real lower body strength and want to build muscle fast, you have no other alternative but to squat. Learn how to do them with correct form to avoid injury!

3) HANG CLEAN & PUSH PRESS - A great total body muscle building exercise which hits the calves, hamstrings, glutes, quads, lower and upper back, traps, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and forearms. Considered an Olympic lift, it can be done in more of a strict manner to really target the traps, upper back, and shoulders. Olympic lifts are normally done to develop explosive speed and power. Doing the clean and push press in this manner is a form of power bodybuilding and will really blow up the traps and shoulders. If you could only pick one weight training exercise for building muscle, this might be the one other than the deadlift.

4) BENCH PRESS - Not only is this exercise the ultimate chest builder, but its also the biggest ego builder! Actually this exercise is one of the best if not the best for building muscle in the upper body. This exercise recruits a lot of muscles in the upper body such as the entire chest, shoulders, and triceps, with some bicep and forearm recruitment as well. You can pile on the weight in this exercise and that is what makes it a great way to develop upper body strength and power.

If you can add these to your workout the results will come faster than you ever imagined. If you are on a 3 day M-W-F schedule then i suggest you squat Monday, bench on Wednesday, deadlifts then hang cleans and push press for Friday and rest up over the weekend. That's just an example of how you could possibly work in those exercises. You dont necessarily have to use all 4. If you leave out one 3 out of 4 isn't bad. Just do them and be consistent. Get plenty of rest, good food with protein, and REST! If you do that then you cant go wrong.

I've been a student of physical fitness for 15 years. My passion for this topic allows me to give away free information to all who can benefit. Please visit my site on building muscle fast for more info as well as other fitness related topics. I also highly recommend BuildingMuscleMassFastSecrets.com [http://www.BuildingMuscleMassFastSecrets.com] for great info to build muscle fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=G._Jones

Build Muscle Without Weights - The 3 Best Exercises For Building Muscle Without Weights

Many people may be surprised to know that you can effectively build muscle without weights. When you think of building muscle the first thing that probably comes to mind is a bunch of big muscular guys in the gym grunting during each repetition until they let the weights come crashing down to the ground. What you may not know is that you can get even bigger and more muscular than these guys without lifting weights and without ever stepping foot into the gym.

Here are my top 3 exercises to build muscle without weights

Exercise #1 - Push ups

I'm sure that everyone is familiar with push ups but it seems like so few people actually do them anymore. Push ups are one the best ways to build up your chest and arms. Anyone that's been to a military base knows that all those guys with huge chests and giant arms got that way from doing push ups. This is one the most effective exercises at building muscle without weights and it's one of my favorites.

Exercise #2 - Pull ups

Pull ups are the very best way to build up your back muscles both in and out of the gym. To perform pull ups you will need a bar to hang from. These can be found in stores that sell exercise equipment or online and aren't very expensive. Pull ups can be tough to do at first, if you're having trouble try starting on your knees instead of hanging and pull yourself up from there. And don't worry you'll be doing "real" pull ups in no time!

Exercise #3 - Squats

Squats are one of the very best exercises out there. They're the best exercise for building muscle in your legs and they really work to strengthen your core. To perform squats stand with your feet shoulder width apart and with your arms sticking out straight. Slowly lower your butt to the floor until your thighs are parallel to the ground and then push off your heels and squeeze the muscles in your butt to return to your starting position.

Those are my top 3 exercises to build muscle without weights [http://workoutstobuildmuscle.org], they've worked awesome for me and I'm sure they'll work great for you too. These exercises work great but they're not what used to transform my body from a wimpy 150lbs to big and muscular 185lbs.

To discover how I put on 35lbs of pure muscle (my friends actually thought I was on steroids!) - Click Here [http://workoutstobuildmuscle.org]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_L_Swift

The Secret 7 Best Exercises to Build Muscle Bulk

If you're a "skinny guy" looking to add a lot of muscle, you've probably read hundreds of magazine articles to learn which exercises will help you achieve your goal to build muscle bulk. Of course if you try to put too much information from any of the article together, you get lost in the whirlwind of "do what when and how' statements from the confusion of it all. Plus, you'll find that the only muscle that's getting any decent work is your brain just from trying to figure it all out. Because in those articles a multitude of options were given that probably caused even more confusion and frustration for you than when you first started. This holds true especially if you didn't get any results. Well to clear things up for you, a list of the 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk is provided.

The 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk are:

bench press
dead lift
pull ups
bent over row
clean and press

Now, upon reading this you may be wondering why these exercises specifically are the best to build muscle bulk. (If it were me, it would be too.) Well, the reason is because they are compound exercises.

Compound exercises mean that they incorporate multiple muscles in order to perform the exercise move. This is contrary to isolated exercise moves that only use one muscle or "group" of muscles during the move.

When you lift using compound exercises you get a large number of muscles involved in the routine. These are classically the best exercises to build muscle bulk because of the number of muscles that are use in the exercise. These moves really get your heart pumping and boosts your metabolism. Not to mention compound exercise help release the "good" hormones which is a big contributor in your attempt to build muscle bulk.

Performing compound exercises also help to save physical energy and maximize time. When you spend too much time exercising, large amounts of cortisol get produced which basically eats away at your muscle. That muscle being the same that you are attempting to build. (That's a pretty good clue that it's not a good thing.)

During your next workout use these 7 best classic exercises to build muscle bulk. They can help prepare you for many other exercises you should incorporate into your routine to get even more work.

I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle, but I gained over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using some of the information listed above. The rest of the details can be found build muscle bulk

Of course this technique is for people who are serious about adding some real muscle bulk to their bodies. Here is the link again to build muscle bulk Good luck in your training!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jo_Chris

Get Ripped Biceps in Weeks - Best Exercises and Bodybuilding Secrets For Getting Ripped Arms

Developing cut, huge biceps is something most men strive for. After all, big arms look good and make you feel strong. In order to get bigger biceps as fast as possible, you need to understand and incorporate several bodybuilding secrets into your routine.


There are several pitfalls you need to avoid in order to develop the arms you want. First, make sure the weights you use are heavy. Your goal is low-repetition, high-intensity workouts a few times a week. You do not want to blow yourself out working the same muscles every single day; that idea is a sure-fire way to failure. Instead, work your biceps and arms in such a way that they are tired and then give them at least three days of rest.

When you work out, vary your routine. Your body will get used to the same exercises performed in the same order. Mix up dumbbell curls, flies, and presses with skullcrushers, hammer curls, and preacher curls. There are hundreds of exercises out there, all of which are effective. Continually rotate between a few of them to maximize your results.


Want ripped biceps? Then you need to eat lots of high-quality foods. Exercise is only half the equation. When you break your muscles down during a workout, they need essential things like protein to rebuild themselves stronger and bigger. Make sure you are eating sufficient calories to promote muscle growth - 1 lb of muscle is approximately 3,500 calories, so aim to eat at least 500 calories a day above your normal intake.

Stick to good foods that are high omega-3 fatty acids and protein. This list includes red meat (a great source of iron), tuna (a great source of protein), pasta, rice, and leafy greens like spinach (another great source of iron). Milk is a great source of calcium and calories. Nuts can provide essential fatty acids, calories, and protein. Cottage cheese helps prevent muscle breakdown through its high glutamine content. Eggs, chicken, and turkey are rich in the amino acids, protein, and healthy fats your body needs to get ripped.

Make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Your body needs to stay hydrated, particularly when you begin a tough workout regime. Eat smaller meals more often. 5 - 6 meals per day stimulate your metabolism and promote muscle growth.

These simple tips will help you get the bigger, more ripped arms you've always wanted.


Lastly, utilizing nutritional supplements, such as nitric oxide and l-arginine can help your body rapidly develop and build muscle in targeted areas. Nitric oxide can help you improve your stamina and strength, in addition to widening the blood vessels allowing for more oxygen to reach your muscles allowing faster muscle growth. Any good workout routine can be aided with the help of a nitric oxide supplement.

Click here for a free trial of a great nitric oxide muscle building supplement --> Nitric Oxide Supplements To Build Muscle [http://forcefactor.us/info]

Nitric Oxide plays a critical role in the body's development of muscle. If you wish to learn more about easily and rapidly building muscle or to request a free sample of a great nitric oxide supplement...

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FREE Trials are only available for a limited time, so make sure you get yours today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Rambuken

Here is the Best Way to Get Ripped by Body Type

The best way to get ripped is to understand your individual body type and design a program that fits it and your lifestyle. There are three general body types. This includes the ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. By recognizing what type of body you have, you can develop a program to address your specific challenges to building a ripped physique.

Here is a more detailed description of the different body types:

Ectomorph - These individuals are generally considered lucky by their peers. They are typically very lean and naturally carry very low body fat. The best way to get ripped for an ectomorph involves putting on lean muscle mass. The challenge they face in developing a ripped physique is putting on enough muscle mass to be considered ripped instead of just skinny.

Endomorph - These individuals are the exact opposite of the ectomorph. If an endomorph even smells the food, an ectomorph will gain 5 pounds! With exercise, they easily make strength gains, but they face challenges in developing a ripped physique as they try to lower their body fat. For an endomorph, the best way to get ripped involves lowering their BMI.

Mesomorph - These individuals are the luckiest of the three. They have naturally athletic bodies that respond equally well to both diet and exercise. The challenges they face in developing a ripped physique are usually just issues of dedication and information. The best way to get ripped for a mesomorph involves committing to their body.

Here is the best way to get ripped by body type:

The ectomorph needs a routine of serious strength and muscle building exercises. Free weights as body weight exercises will be too easy for them, and they will expend too many precious calories before they even begin building muscle. Low repetition and heavy weights are needed. Supplements should be taken, accompanied by intense strength building workouts. The best way to get ripped for the ectomorph is to train like a powerlifter.

The endomorph has the hardest time developing a ripped physique. I have trained vegetarian endomorphs who had a hard time reaching their goals, but it can be done. For the endomorph, the key is cardiovascular training and close attention to diet. The best way to get ripped for the endomorph is to stay motivated. Since often it takes awhile for the endomorph to see results, it is often helpful to keep a journal during their training routine. The journal should include information such as how they are feeling, and interactions they have had during their day. Often the journal will help them see improvements in their quality of life that would go unnoticed if they were only looking at the mirror. This often is the key to get the endomorph through the building phase until the physical results are more noticeable.

Finally, the mesomorph is naturally athletic. The mesomorph's routine really depends on how ripped they want to get. Because of their easy gains, and how they readily respond to training, mesomorphs can get lazy in the gym. The best way to get ripped for a mesomorph is to commit to regular training. Generally, a modest free weight or body weight exercise routine combined with some sort of cardiovascular exercise will get them to their goal.

Lastly, regardless of your body type, it always helps to take supplements. The best way to get ripped includes the right diets, exercises, and supplements. There are many different supplements on the market, but make sure to take proven supplements that will help you get ripped quickly!

Click here [http://bestwaytogetripped.com/] to find out what supplement has helped thousands of men get into the best shape of their life. They've made each of their work out be the best way to get ripped [http://bestwaytogetripped.com/]! Click today and stop wasting your time doing something that doesn't give you results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Oscar_Wilde

How to Train to Build Hard,TO GET TOP Ripped Muscle!

If your primary goal is to build muscle in the gym, then you need to lift weights, weights and more flamin' weights! And you can't just go in and do any kind of weight training you want either. You have to do certain exercises, a certain amount of sets and a certain amount of reps per exercise.

I learned this the hard way. When I was sixteen (the legal age to lift weights in a gym in my country for insurance reasons) I joined a gym at 5 foot 8 inches and 8 1/2 stone! A twig to say the least! I went in for my first session and was taken through an induction by a fitness instructor. I told him I wanted to gain muscle and he took me to every weight machine in the place, showed me how to use it and told me to do four sets of 10-12 reps at each machine 3 times a week to buff up.

So away I went, green and naive, three times a week for a year and a half to the gym. And guess how many pounds I gained? Zero! I thought to myself that something was wrong, and decided to take matters into my own hands. I downloaded a program for myself to follow from a body building expert, learned all about the subject, and away I went!

Back at the gym I never even touched a weight machine again. I went straight in, warmed up on a treadmill for 5 minutes and went straight over to the free weights. Free weights are much better for gaining muscle because they don't work on just one muscle, you have to use one or two primary muscles, followed by a group of secondary muscles to do the exercises. For example, if you were doing leg curls (when you lie down on your stomach and curl weights using your hamstring muscles) you're only actually exercising your hamstrings. But if you want to hit your hamstrings using free weights you do dead lifts. This is when you hold a barbell at waist length, arms relaxed, and slowly bend over as if your trying to stretch your hamstrings and touch your toes. When you feel the stretch in your hamstrings you slowly move back up to the starting position again. When doing this exercise properly, you're not only working out your hamstrings, but all your lower back muscles and your calf muscles too!

There are obviously other exercises that workout the rest of the muscles in your body. If you exercise each muscle only once per week (2 warm up sets and 4 workout sets) you will become much much stronger than you would by using weight machines, I guarantee. And combined with a guided and specific diet, you too can gain solid muscle mass! I have gained over 2 stone now and am still gaining!

Phil Edgar is an expert on human anatomy and muscle building. If you would like a free gain muscle workout [http://www.how-to-gain-muscle.net] program, complete with full diet and rest instructions and tips then follow this link - gain muscle workout [http://www.how-to-gain-muscle.net] and start gaining muscle today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phil_Edgar

SECRET Build Muscle Without Weights, It's Not As Hard As They Make Out

Are you looking to build muscle without weights? A lot of people say that it can't be done, but it's definitely possible once you get to grips with a few basic techniques and exercises. Stay tuned to find out how to build muscle without weights, starting today.


The easiest way to build muscle without weights is with what some people think of as the classics - simple exercises just about anyone can perform anywhere, such as sit ups, press ups etc. You won't end up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it's a great place to start if you are unaccustomed to exercise. All you need is a regular regime, and to work hard to see some results.


Once you start to get accustomed to the activity and get ready for more strenuous stuff you can look to start focussing on certain muscle groups in your quest to build muscle without weights. The first thing almost anyone wants to develop is their biceps muscle in their arms, which is a little tricky without weights. The easiest thing to do is substitute something else in place of the weights - why not put some canned food in a polythene bag and then use it to curl with?

3- Chest

The next thing people like to build is usually their shoulders or chest, as these are some of the best muscles to build to give you a bulked up appearance. To build muscle without weights in your chest, or your pectoral muscles as they are known, it can be as simple as making your regular press ups a little harder. You can do this by putting your feet up on a chair or something, shifting all your weight to your arms. These are much tougher than regular press ups, so make sure you are ready.


You should find that normal and inclined press ups will build your shoulders nicely, but to really ramp it up you could try some pull ups. These are one of the hardest exercises to do for many people, so can really help build muscle without weights. Regular pull ups don't do much for shoulders, so you are going to want to adopt a wider than normal grip, which will really emphasize the shoulders and put all the work on them. Be warned though, it's not easy!

So as you can see, it's more than possible to build muscle without weights, in fact some people may find that it's the best way to get started. Check out the links below for some more details.

CLICK HERE to get your free review of the best workout plans - they'll have you ripped and with single digit body fat in no time - it's right here, and it's fast and easy

CLICK HERE for the best resources on the net for teaching how to burn fat right off your body- Not only that but you'll also learn how to get more gains in less time and what foods are REALLY good for building muscle

Brian Waters is webmaster at http://www.MusclebuilderReview.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Waters

Having a Hard Time Building Muscle & Losing Weight - Metabolic Damage And Enzyme Deficiency

In a recent discussion with an elite field of training experts many of the well-known authors, trainers and scientists had noticed a growing trend in the general population about the inability to lose body fat. Most of the experts first witnessed an increase in the number of guys and girls in high performance sport particularly bodybuilding that was not responding to traditional dieting and training protocols.

It seems no matter what these individuals did their bodies refused to drop the extra body fat. I had noticed a similar trend in some of clients who had been exposed to high levels of toxic substances, females who had given birth, and in individuals who consumed high levels of processed food.

To date it does seem that in large part the medical profession is blind to the seriousness and scope of Metabolic Damage, its causes and effects, there are always those few individuals who are able by experience, specialized knowledge, and integrated application of sound nutritional and training practices who can provide solutions.

I too came about the same observations of metabolic damage although from a slightly different route. I would also like to add that this topic is a vast and sometimes technical topic, and by no means can I illustrate everything you need to know about enzymes, metabolic damage, weakness, or deficiency.

For a detailed account of how enzymes work, why we need them, and why it's so hard to obtain them in modern society I strongly advise reading Dr. Howell's book: "Enzyme Nutrition".

Dr. Howell was the leading pioneer in enzymes for almost 70 years before his death around the age of 100. His work lives on through the researchers that work for the company he founded. I will talk more about that in a future post. History often leaves clues I will first explain how I came about the discovery of enzyme therapy.

A Growing Trend

I have been in around the health and fitness community for about 20 years, but in the last few years I have noticed distinct trends in clients who were coming to see me. The first group I observed was high performance athletes who recently completed a major competition or long season of training.

These athletes for the most part had been training for most of their lives and then suddenly experienced a significant drop in performance, motivation, and experienced more injuries, body fat increases, and reduced speed, and endurance.

The second group I have encountered were women who had recently given birth. These women, many who were tremendous athletes prior to becoming pregnant suddenly began showing extreme fatigue, large gains in body fat, coupled with digestive disorders after giving birth.

The third group were individuals both men and women who had followed extreme "nutrient" and calorie deficient diets, particularly followers of the Dr. Bernstein diets, as well as people who had come off the Atkins diet, individuals with a history of eating disorders, and individuals who had experience challenges with brain chemistry.

All of these individuals had gained tremendous amounts of weight in short periods of time and had become to resistant to proven regimens of weight loss. Now most of these clients were not high performance athletes yet they all showed similar symptoms; constipation, low energy, depressed immune function, emotional discord, sluggish metabolisms and digestive disorders.

Many of these individuals had been following exercise and diet programs for years but suddenly there bodies just stopped responding.

The most startling group in my range of investigations was a group of extremely fit women, who after pregnancy experienced a host of metabolic disorders resulting in numerous complications.

Having experienced the rigors of extensive contest dieting myself, and the accompanying symptoms, I have continually sought out ways or solutions to improve my own performance.

Since my own experiences, although not as severe, were similar to what my clients were experiencing I sought to find a way to overcome these challenges and provide a solution to the conditions leading to "metabolic damage".

The Mystery Cause of Fatigue And The Low Calorie Diet

I have never bought into the belief that just because someone is on a low calorie diet they should feel fatigued, tired, listless and all the side effects reported by individuals currently undergoing such regimens. Like many others in my field, I felt there was some other factor involved that was not being accounted for, but this factor remained a mystery to me for over 10 years.

I retired from competing to devote more time to pursue this avenue as it had become so widespread in the individuals that were coming to see me from all different age groups, sexes, and backgrounds. I started investigating digestive functioning, metabolism, as well as patterns of food production throughout history.

After pouring over research, speaking with experts in the nutrition field, and the reviewing the latest medical journals on diet: nutrition, and metabolism, I was lead to one key individual. His name was Dr. Michael O'Brien.

Medical Genius Rebuilds Dying Nutrition Expert In 8 Weeks

Now Dr. O'Brien is more than a remarkable individual. Accolades, testimonials, or descriptions, would not begin to quantify or qualify the man or the wisdom he possesses. First off he was the former director of two medical clinics in California, he is also a master nutrition formulator for over 50 years.

What's more remarkable is that he successfully treated himself of cirrhosis of the liver, as well as "terminal" colon cancer using enzymes, probiotics, and a patented amino acid formulation he designed.

Dr. O'Brien also was the man behind literally thousands of recoveries from terminal diseases including: cancer, heart disease, lupus, AIDS and virtually every other terminal illness in existence. He was also the doctor who was responsible for orchestrating the complete and astounding recovery of legendary health expert Dr. Bernhard Jensen (See Chapter 13 "Come Alive" by Bernhard Jensen).

I had the good fortune of attending two professional lectures held by Dr. O'Brien. It's hard to describe the sheer impact that seeing Dr. O'Brien in person has on someone. First off although he is close to 90 years old he has almost no wrinkles in his skin. His countenance radiates light, his eyes sparkle, his actions are quick and fluid and his mind is extremely sharp.

In fact I have never been in the presence of ANYONE who radiated so much life, wisdom and compassion. In other words he practices what he preaches, which in today's world of false "gurus" is a rare occurrence.

Dr. O'Brien illustrates that his lifetime work, like aforementioned Dr. Howell, has concluded that all diseases are actually "Symptoms of Deficiency". In the course of his lectures, he provides a wealth of support to back up his claim. He also has proven that when an individual treats the deficiency the "symptoms" stop and the "disease" is cured. It is also Dr. O'Brien's belief that there are "No Incurable diseases, just incurable people."

Now I know you might be asking, "What does this have to do with Metabolic Damage?"

Metabolic Damage, Obesity, And Enzyme Deficiency

In fact I asked Dr. O'Brien this very question myself. He quickly stated and presented a wealth of information both research and anecdotal that the primary cause of deficiency is a lack of Enzymes present in our food supply. While this is not the only factor it is most definitely the prime factor and perhaps the easiest to correct.

Dr. O'Brien stated that he had first come to this discovery after reading a book by Dr. Howell on Enzymes when he himself was on his deathbed. He then applied a series of aggressive enzyme treatments to himself over the period of 16 months and cured himself of terminal liver disease. Dr. Howell explains the reasons and causes of Enzyme deficiency in his book Enzyme Nutrition but I will try to summarize.

Enzyme deficiency over time puts tremendous strain in the human digestive system as the body must use "Metabolic Enzymes" to digest Enzyme Deficient food. This drain on metabolic and systemic enzymes over time, leads to most of the symptoms of disease as well as the primary cause of the effects of what we call "Aging".

How Food Supple Became Enzyme Deficient

Since World War II there has been an extensive use of chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers used in the growing of our food supply, coupled by a leaching out of minerals in the soil. In all of these cases, the plants grown give up their enzymes in order to accommodate the compromised growing conditions. The result is that the enzyme content of our food is extremely diminished from that of food production a hundred years ago (For example: In 1900 wheat was 90 percent protein, today its just 9 percent, similar reports are available in nutrient depletion in the Medicine Today Journal, April, 2002).

The use of pharmaceuticals on livestock also contributes to enzyme damage in the animals human consume. Other factors that contribute to enzyme destruction include food cooked at temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat destroys any enzymes present in the food you consume.

Irradiation of vegetables and fruits, modern food processing, depleted soil, and the widespread use of chemicals, drugs, and preservatives all contribute to an absence of food enzymes in our diets. These combined factors contribute to considerably higher demands on the metabolic systems of humans. In other words there is a host of factors that are contributing to the problem not "a singular cause" as most of us are conditioned to believe.

Your Body Produces Enzymes... But Is It Enough?

Now every doctor will tell you that the body produces its own enzymes in sufficient amounts to digest your food. What the doctor will not tell you, as he most likely is not aware, is the fact that no species on earth was designed to exist on enzyme deficient diets.

Dr. Howell's research demonstrates clearly that in every single species he tested that was fed an enzyme deficient diet, developed metabolic disorders such as extreme weight gain, Type II diabetes and a host of other conditions including pre-mature death (see studies in Dr. Howell's Food Enzymes and Longevity).

Numerous other researchers in the field duplicated these studies and are cited in Howell's books. What's worse is that these enzyme deficiencies were passed on to subsequent generations.

In all cases, species fed enzyme deficient diets for a period of three generations developed extensive genetic disorders, such as inability to reproduce, extensive and unusual behavioral disorders, development and acceleration of various diseases, as well as severe metabolic dysfunction (see the classical study done by F.M. Pottenger's over 10 years on 900 cats).

Again I am summarizing a considerable amount of information and I strongly advise reading Howell's books to get the Full Picture.

Enzyme Deficiency And The Diabetes Connection

Research has also shown that the Pancreas of humans has shown to be three times the "normal" size in bodyweight comparisons between species. Interestingly this exact pathology was demonstrated in Dr. Howell's experiments on animals fed enzyme deficient diets.

In all cases, Type II diabetes, excessive weight gain, as well as other metabolic and genetic disorders became prominent in the "Enzyme deficient" populations compared to the control group, even when the animals were fed exactly the same amount of calories. What's interesting is the result coincides with observations I, and my colleagues have made in relation to our clients.

It became apparent to me that the Enzyme deficiency in the food supply had become so common and widespread for so long it isn't even considered a factor by the medical community. Keep in mind that FDA testing and grading of food does not include testing for the presence of enzymes. So there is no pressure for farmers to produce high nutrient content food.

The classification of food is primarily determined by the "look" of the food, and the weight of food. Another factor contributing to the Enzyme oversight is the fact most doctors have only a few credit hours of basic nutrition and are not really qualified to make nutritional assessments of their patients. The medical field is primarily concerned with the treatment of disease not disease prevention. "Big Difference" so pointing fingers does little good.

Don't Blame The Doctors!

Doctors have a tough enough job as it is and discovering the cause of Metabolic Damage in general is not high on their priority list considering the current challenges facing most medical practitioners today.

While there seems to be a correlation in food enzyme deficiency and metabolic damage or the conditions leading to the onset of disease, I needed more information to support the case. This is where Dr. O'Brien's experience and expertise completely obliterated any rational objections one might have against the Food Enzyme Concept as presented by Dr. Howell.

Dr. O'Brien developed a regimen, which included enzyme therapy to control, reverse and eliminate virtually every major disease known to mankind. The regimen was relatively static and only varied in the dosage the individual could take based on the current state of his patient, the economics of the individual, and the speed at which the person desired their conditions to cease.

Deeper Down The Enzyme Rabbit Hole

I personally subjected myself, and a group of 12 individuals of different ages, backgrounds, sexes and conditions to Dr. O'Brien's regimen. All 12 of the subjects experienced radical improvements in metabolism, body fat reduction, improved muscle building, recovery, digestive, and eliminative functioning. We all experienced positive changes in dietary selection, emotional well being as well as improved cognitive function.

O'Brien states that in most cases 4-6 months of aggressive enzyme therapy was enough to eliminate the "symptoms of deficiency" and "cure" almost any symptoms of metabolic dysfunction. In some patients he stated 1 year to 18 months was required to completely eradicate serious states of metabolic dysfunction, such as those conditions present in advanced conditions of AIDS, Lupus etc.

Now Dr. O'Brien's interest was primarily in the treatment and prevention of disease as well as the field of longevity but I knew that his discoveries could be applied to the area of athletic performance including more mainstream goals such as weight loss.

I speculated that if athletes and ordinary people began supplementing their diets with digestive enzymes it would improve performance by reducing the drain of metabolic enzymes to digest food thereby correcting "metabolic damage" in the population at large.

Treatment dosages were the primary limiting factor in how fast one recovered from any condition or how fast their performance improved in a given athletic endeavor. Unlike traditional therapy with drugs, enzyme dosages were not limited as side effects such as the breaking of the GI barrier did not occur in patients on dosages as high as 1000 capsules a day (this is Extreme to say the least).

Finding The Right Formula

Since Dr. O'Brien's company was not able to provide me with his Enzyme formulation as he could not provide enough enzymes to meet his current demand I immediately set about formulating an Enzyme Product geared particularly for athletes. In other words, people who followed dietary and training practices such as bodybuilders, fitness competitors, and every one else involved in "cosmetic training".

What I learned will come as no surprise to anyone else on the inside of the supplement industry is that most products sold commercially on the market were of little to no value. The extreme costs of developing and stabilizing enzymes that would work in the broad PH range experienced throughout the gastro-intestinal tract is considerable.

The sheer economics of the situation had reduced most supplement companies to produce cheap enzymes that do not work in order to make viable profit margins. These enzymes are often animal based, or come enterically coated, and can be bought for a fraction of the cost of effective enzymes. This is one reason why enzyme therapy has traditionally been reserved for pharmaceutical companies or for individuals with extensive resources to afford private treatment.

Undaunted by the costs of development I engaged the expert formulators at Dr. Howell's company to produce an enzyme product designed for the dietary and training demands of myself, my personal clients, and athletes in general.

After several months we came up with a new product that included a proprietary blend of Enzymes, precursors and stabilizers specifically designed and formulated for athletes interested in increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat.

Tried, Tested And True

We then spent 6 months testing it out on a small group of bodybuilders' age ranges of 15 to 72. The results have been encouraging to say the least.

Recently, I met with other industry professionals and discussed my findings and positive experiences with Enzyme Therapy as well as the potential solution to individuals suffering from metabolic damage. To say the least many of my peers are overjoyed and excited about what could be the greatest nutritional breakthrough of the last century.

I will also be making a small amount of my product available to individuals on my website who wish to undergo a regimen of Enzyme Therapy. This protocol is rather intense and expensive but its results are quite impressive. Our team is confident that the protocol we have developed can improve and alleviate the symptoms of "metabolic damage" and/or to improve individual athletic performance and health.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and information with you as well as answering your questions on this fascinating and exciting field.

Wade McNutt is a Natural National Bodybuilding Champion and an IFBB Mr. Universe World Champion. He combined the secrets of Eastern Yoga Masters with, scientific, muscle building to produce a revolutionary new health system, called Freaky Big Naturally, find out more at http://www.freakybignatural.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wade_McNutt

How to Build Muscle Fast? - The Complete Solution

Alright so you have decided you want to build muscle fast and you probably have a good reason it might be to look good for girls down at the beach or maybe you want to I intimidate other guys or just to get in shape for some sort of sport. It doesn't matter what reason you have to build up there muscles just write it down on paper and put it somewhere to remind you daily why your doing this because some days it takes all you have to get off the couch and hit the gym.

If you want to put on muscle quick you have to know how muscle is built the so called "science" behind building muscle and don't get me wrong it's not rocket science but, you also don't see everyone walking around with 17 inch biceps and ripped abdominals so it does require a little work on your part to get there but totally worth it.

In order to create muscle growth you have to stress your bodies muscles so they break down and this is called micro trauma it happens invisibly but, your muscles have tiny micro tears which it will attempt to repair as quick as possible and rebuild the muscles bigger and stronger then before, hence muscle growth. You should be lifting heavy weights to get the best workout possible because you should be only working each muscle once a week because they grow when your resting not working out, this is one of the tricks to build large muscles that many don't know.

The final factor to muscle growth is what your eating, your diet to bulk up should consist of high protein foods such as chicken, fish, eggs and beef but, also you need good sources of carbohydrates for energy such as potatoes, yams and rice. I get a lot of people wondering how much they really need to eat to build muscle fast so I tell them to mimic what bodybuilders do 5-6 small meals a day that are high in healthy proteins and carbohydrates and be sure to throw a few salads and vegetables in there.

If you put some of these tips above to work for you it'll surely pay off and you will be well on your way to large muscles. For more information consult a personal trainer or keep reading for more help.

For more information on building muscle go to http://www.modernmanfitness.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ivan_Johnson

Building Muscle Women? - A Great Solution For Weight Loss Issues?

Building muscle women is now very common because muscles go together with weight loss. Whenever people talk of muscles, the first thought that comes to mind is men. However, today, many women are concerned about muscles. Women can build their muscles to keep fit, look more shapely, sexy and lose weight. They can easily reach their fitness goals if they apply perseverance, self-motivation, discipline and patience.

To succeed in this venture, it is important to know the best way of going about it. This may call for a total change of lifestyle including reviewing your eating habits and exercise regime. Some ladies do not achieve their goals due to unhelpful things in their lifestyles. Some of these may include smoking, high alcohol intake and too much intake of caffeine.

Training with weights is important if you are to achieve your target. As you get used to the weights, move to heavier ones. This enables you to grow stronger and stronger and gain more muscle mass. In the process of this training your body breaks down the muscles, burns fat and energy. This simply means that the heavier the weights the bigger the muscles.

On top of weight training for building muscle women, doing cardio vascular workouts is also important. These are exercises that are beneficial to the body because they raise your heart rate. Examples of such workouts are bike riding, dancing, jogging and rowing. Other exercises that are beneficial include deadlift, squatting and bench press. These help to build, condition and strengthen your muscles further.

Eating right is important for building muscle women because your muscles might not show properly if there are fat layers over them. By eating correctly, you are able to lose these fatty layers. Each of your meals should be balanced. Eating whole grains instead of refined grains is quite helpful. Whole grains help to hasten the fat melting process as they assist in changing the body's glucose and insulin response. Drinking plenty of water daily to cool your system, keep you hydrated and flush out toxins.

You should also keep your metabolism steady. This is achievable by eating a small meal every three hours. This helps the metabolism to burn calories continuously and it also gives you the energy you require. Understanding the amounts to eat and when to eat is also important. Start with a healthy breakfast, a larger lunch and take healthy snacks between meals. Eat a small dinner early in the evening since you are not active during the night.

Taking some recommended protein supplements between training could also be helpful as some help to enhance your training. You could also take them when you are not in a position to eat a balanced meal. They help you to workout harder and for a longer period. They also help the muscles to heal faster thus enabling you to continue with your training for building muscle women with minimal interruptions.

It is advisable to set systematic and reasonable goals that you can easily track, progress and meet over time. Discipline, patience, motivation and perseverance are also important. Building muscle women is possible when you eat healthy, change your lifestyle, and do appropriate exercises plus weight lifting.

Discover the best way to create your own effective program for building muscle women by visiting Build Muscle For Women to grab your Free Report on 'The ABCs of Bodybuilding' by Cindy Davis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_P_Davis

Can Skinny People Gain Muscle And Overcome The Impossible?

It is true that skinny people have a lot of difficulty when trying to build muscle. Skinny people have a sort of different biological make-up that in a way contributes to the inhibition of muscle growth. This does not mean that it is impossible, though. With proper motivation and the right diet and exercise, skinny people CAN gain muscle and build the body of their dreams TOO.

It is not necessarily TRUE that skinny guys need to have a dreadful workout routine than those with other body types. All that needs to be done is to study your body type and apply the required techniques that fit this body type.

Metabolism is the most important factor in trying to gain muscle. You should be aware that metabolism is responsible for all the processes happening inside the body, including the conversion of food into usable energy forms. The repair of damaged muscles and the perfusion of oxygen to tissues and the brain are also some of the metabolic functions. In short, it keeps our bodies functioning optimally.

Here's The Problem:

Skinny people usually have a faster metabolism rate than other people with larger body types. The metabolism is so fast that what happens is food is immediately converted into energy, leaving not much behind for tissue, muscle repair, and growth. This is why muscle building can become very difficult for skinny people. The same reason applies as to why these people have very little amount of fats in their bodies, because fat is also converted to energy.

The Solution:

An important thing to remember is that the secret to this problem is as simple as eating more - A LOT MORE. This way, your body can save up more food available to be converted not only to energy, but for other purposes as well (especially muscle growth). The focus of eating more lies in increasing the amount of calories and most importantly, protein that you ingest on a daily basis.

Calories can be derived from any of the food groups - carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Proteins are primarily responsible for tissue repair and growth. However, this can be quite difficult because skinny people commonly have lower thresholds for feeling full. This results to being full before they have even met their "calorie goal" for that day. This can be solved by choosing the right kinds of food. There are food choices which greatly have more calories than others for the same portions. Calorie-dense food is very helpful in resolving this problem and can be the solution for skinny people trying to gain muscle.

The Overlooked Factor:

Another pointer that should not be missed is the importance of proper sleep and enough rest periods. Saving up energy is helpful, because all physical activity leads to burned calories. The more calories you spare, the more can be converted into repaired muscle mass. This doesn't mean that exercise should be skipped. It's all about finding the right balance between your resting and active periods in a week. Skinny people need less cardiovascular exercise and more weight-lifting routines, because cardio exercises expend more calories and make the person lose more weight, thus muscle mass in the process.

Food for thought - Here are 6 food choices that have the highest calorie content you can try today:

Guacamole / avocados
Eggs - whites and yolks
Olive oil drenched seafood (preferably tuna and salmon)
Whole grains (rice, wheat, etc.)
High carbohydrate food groups (pasta, bread, etc.)
Potatoes and similar crops

But Then Again...

You and I both know that what hardgainers really need is a Muscle Building Video Guide; from somebody that has actually BEEN through the "skinny to muscle" journey. And that is exactly what you're getting today! If you want to know more about how " Skinny People Gain Muscle [http://howtobuildmuscleforskinnyguys.com/215/warming-up-for-skinny-people-looking-to-gain-muscle/] " and also get an entire 6 Weeks Of Muscle Gaining Workout video for FREE, head on over to [http://HowToBuildMuscleForSkinnyGuys.com] and start transforming your body today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_B_Adams

Quick Muscle Gain - I Gained Over 40 Pounds With This Simple Trick

If you're looking for tips to achieve quick muscle gain, and increase muscle mass quick then you're in luck. In this article, I'll show you how I gained well over 40 pounds in just a few short months. I literally transformed my body from a tall and skinny frame to a ripped and muscular physique. It's tough to achieve quick muscle gain unless you follow proven techniques that are effective and practical. I'm not going to tell you to take steroids or waste money on excessive bodybuilding supplements. Sure these may help you achieve quick muscle growth, but the best way to build muscle is safely and naturally.

Looking back, it's hard to believe how skinny I once was. It seemed impossible for me to ever get buff, let alone achieve quick weight gain and quick muscle gain. I had the right mindset and attitude in place and I definitely had the desire and passion to get my dream body. However, just sheer determination alone could not power me through as I spent hours and hours in the gym with little to show for it. Nothing's more frustrating then when you try hard but don't get results. There's only so many times you can try and fail before you want to throw in the towel and abandon your quest for quick muscle gain.

I started looking for solutions and trying to see what worked for others and apply it to my own workouts. I could tell I was making more progress as I started to bulk up and see some good results. The thing I always tell people is there's no need to reinvent the wheel. At this point in time in our world, there's been billions of people and decades of trial and error so it's a no brainer that someone has figured out the best way to achieve quick muscle gain. Don't over complicate things. Discover one routine that works and stick with it until you see results.

Check out the routine and exercises I used to achieve quick muscle gain. I never thought I could do it but I'm so glad I stuck with it and found something that worked.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Roeder

How To Gain Weight Quickly - Discover The Solution

The majority of people are trying to lose weight and that gets all the attention these days. However there are a few of us who would much prefer the opposite: weight gain. It's ridiculous to most people who work hard on there treadmills and eat there calorie counted salads but for people trying to bulk up in the gym, a 'hulk like' physique is quite alluring; but first, how to gain weight.

The process of gaining a large amount of weight should not be taken unless there is a strong desire to work hard as a huge amount of discipline is required. Lifting heavy, eating lots (even when not hungry and even when it's inconvenient) and getting good rest are all elements of strong discipline which is why its important to start with the right attitude.

Now, first and foremost rule. EAT!

This was the most obvious thing you could have expected me to say before clicking on the page so I will of course provide further insight.

Instead of gorging on KFC and French fries, eat quality calories. This includes foods such as whole grain breads, vegetables (avocados, potatoes and kidney beans), lean red meat poultry and fish.

Reason being the underlying theme of this 'how to gain weight' article is that you want to ideally put on muscle: not fat. On the contrary, if you would like to be the world's fattest man, eat all the donuts in the world. All jokes aside, if muscle gain is the path for you, the foods I mentioned are highly commendable as they are:

- healthy for you
- alternative to processed, refined carb based food
- cheap (purchased in bulk, cans of tuna are super cheap)

In addition to this, finding out the amount of energy you expend from daily activities is important as these activities may stymie your weight gain process: especially if there is physical labor involved (even if its just walking a lot). Definitely take this into account next time you determine the proportion of your next meal.

A tip I would suggest is that you eat 5-6 times a day with 2-3 hours in between.

2-3 big portion snacks with 3 large meals encompassing breakfast, lunch and dinner is usually the route most bodybuilders take.

With this in mind, don't skip a meal!

This isn't necessarily because one meal is going to make an enormous difference in your overall weight gain but it will defiantly hurt your discipline to do the right thing and eat on a constant basis. Sticking to the script is key.

I'm guessing you already knew how to gain weight when you got here: eat - pretty easy.

On the other hand, the underlying theme of successful weight gain for muscle is discipline as you are required to go out of your way and extra 2 or 3 times a day to eat when you probably aren't hungry.

The results will pay off though if you just stay with the program - guarantee.

Handy tips:

- Drink plenty of water
- Heavy and slow weightlifting is key
- If you're gaining weight to fast, do more cardio and if your not gaining weight fast enough, do less.

Al Commings is a weight loss blogger and bodybuilding enthusiast. If you you're serious about diet and health, you can read more articles like this at [http://fitnessdietandnutrition.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Al_Commings

What Are The Best Ways to Build Arm Muscle for Huge Biceps?

Building arm muscle should be part of a whole body process. It is a proven fact that targeted exercise programs only work in concert with a whole body program. If you are only targeting your arm you will have a hard time building that muscle if you have body fat to lose first. If you are in good shape already and engage in an exercise program then adding an additional arm building program is very effective. In general the two hardest parts of our bodies to tone are our arms and abdominal muscle. It is possible to build arm muscle though if you know how to target specific areas as part of your exercise program.

Building arm muscles will require you to target specific muscles and isolating and working each to its full potential. Although we use our arms all of the time we do not use them at a frequency that would naturally lead to arm definition. To build arm muscle you should start with your triceps and biceps, your upper arms will require the most work. Your forearms will benefit from any workout that your upper arms are receiving. Imagine your forearms as just an extension of what you are doing and concentrate on those parts that are the hardest to shape.

If you do not have a significant home gym you may want to consider joining a gym in order to gain access to an appropriate amount of weight. If you are trying to build definition in your arms you will need heavy weights and do low receptions of exercises. If you are trying to tone your arms then you can take light weights and complete more repetitions. An easy effective at home exercise is pushups and pull ups, they are both great ways to build arm muscle that require little to no equipment. Good home exercises for your triceps are triceps dips. Use a sturdy home chair and while sitting on the edge let your body edge off the front, using only your arms to support your weight.

Again, the best workout program is a full body workout with targeted muscle exercises for problem areas. Of course part of these programs should be cardiovascular exercise and a sensible diet. No individual exercise will be effective if it is not part of a whole program. You can build arm muscle if you take your whole body into account.

Click Here Now - To get Bigger, Stronger, and More Ripped & Shredded than ever, using Primal Muscle's Cutting-Edge Training System - Sent to you by mail - Absolutely FREE!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dane_C._Fletcher

The Best Way to Build Muscle - Add Inches to Your Skinny Arms!

Have you been cursed by being born with naturally skinny and weak looking arms? If you have and you're looking to add some inches to your feeble arms, there are three things that you must keep in mind if you want to see optimal growth. They are: compound exercises, minimizing overtraining and adding variety. In this article, I will discuss these principles in detail as well as looking at how you can implement them and ultimately learn the best way to build muscle onto your under-nourished arms.

Most people believe that to add mass to your arms you have to do countless isolation exercises such as bicep curls and tricep push-downs. Unfortunately for the majority of the population, this is completely incorrect and will only end up being a waste of your precious time. Compound exercises are ones that force you to use numerous muscles throughout your body to complete the lift and have been proven to not only increase the mass of the muscle they're actually targeting, but also the various other muscles that aid in the lift. You will see more growth in your triceps by doing a few sets of a compound exercise that doesn't even directly target the muscle such as the bench press over doing 10 sets of an isolation exercise such as tricep push-downs. Compound exercises are fantastic mass builders for the arms and also help to prevent overtraining.

The biggest reason for seeing slow progress and growth in the muscles of the arm is by training them too much (also known as overtraining). Surveys have proven that over 80% of men and women who regularly attend a gymnasium have never even heard of the concept of overtraining, so it's no wonder that it's such a widespread problem. It's very important that you give each muscle at least 48 hours of rest before targeting it again. If you're still not seeing regular progress after implementing this advice, you should try adding more variety to your workouts.

Many fitness enthusiasts are unknowingly preventing themselves from seeing great results by using the exact same exercises week in, week out. Keep both your biceps and triceps guessing by changing your arm workouts on a regular basis.

Along with a protein-rich diet and good consistency: using compound exercises, preventing overtraining and adding a little variety to your workouts simply is the best way to build muscle to your biceps and triceps. Follow this advice and you'll add inches to your skinny arms in no time at all.

Hi, my name is Jack Armstrong, I use to be pretty skinny, but then I found a great workout program which taught me the best way to build muscle [http://www.ihatebeingskinny.com] and in 4 months I've gone from a weak 149lbs to a strong 192lbs, take a look at my skinny to muscular transformation!

[http://www.ihatebeingskinny.com] - Click Here and see my before and after pics!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_L._Armstrong

Side Effects of Taking Weight Gain Pills

There are lots of advertisements that you can find in the market and on the Internet about weight gain pills. You can find thousands of products claiming the best result for gaining weight. However, it is very important to check things in the right perspective before jumping in.

The Purpose

It is said that weight gain pills can help you gain weight fast. However how does a pill help you to gain muscle and add calories to your body? That is an amazing question that has bewildered many of the real role of weight gain pills in the reaction of the body.

Appetizers. In order for your body to gain calories, it is important to eat much food. These pills are added with appetizers that can help boost your craving for foods. With the aid of the appetite boosters, your body will want to eat more foods and accumulate more fats.

Body Booster. The promise of these pills is to help your muscles gain more tissues. Muscle boosters are added to these weight gain pills. With the aid of the pills, your body will have the best way to gain muscle fibers and put on weight in the process.

Metabolism. These pills also promise to aid the metabolism of the body. The person with an abnormal, fast working metabolic processes will surely help in losing weight fast. However, for weight gain, it is important for the body to have the best slow metabolism that can greatly accumulate fats and stored energy.

The Real Score of Weight Gain Pills

What does this pills contain? Most of the pills do contain only vitamins and minerals. They do not actually contain the promising muscle enhancer. Yes, gain pills are overpriced repackaged vitamins and minerals with lower results that its label.

The appetizer that is promised in the pills is not true. It is purely a myth. With the help of the vitamins and minerals, your digestive system will process raw foods into energy faster and let you crave for another cut of calorie. Yes, the secret lies in the digestion and vitamins like C, can greatly help in enhancing digestion process.

Moreover, there is no real muscle booster that can be found in weight gain pills. It must be understood that muscles will not grow big if you will not work on it. It is important to engage oneself into exercises which are focused on muscle growth. The bad thing? The person thinks more that he can grow his muscles with the aid of the pill that he will depend on it rather than work out his body.

With lots and lots of pills for gaining weight that are in the market, it is important to check labels. It is better for you to buy vitamins and minerals for your body rather than depending on the weight gain pills' placebo promises. Working out your muscles can greatly help in growing your body and gain weight in the process.

Danesh is an expert writer on gaining weight and build muscle. Watch this free presentation to see why 97% of all bodybuilding advice is dead wrong at www.buildmuscleguide.com [http://www.buildmuscleguide.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danesh_Devan

Vital Details About The Best Supplement For Muscle Growth

So that the body building process becomes an easier affair, the best supplement for muscle growth is needed. Such can either be a pill, powdered product or a liquid. The ultimate choice will depend on personal preferences and one's body condition. A synthetic formulation cannot replace natural food in any way. However, it will complement the diet. Weight lifters are advised to eat vegetables and fruits on a regular basis while using artificial nutritional elements. Also, meat, nuts, bread and other foods that are rich in proteins and carbohydrates are needed.

There are many scams out there. Such have to be shunned. Anything that does not bear a seal of certification is not legitimate. Research work will help one to be able to separate the good from the bad. It is all about obtaining as much information as possible about a certain item. It is also good to know some trusted local vitamin stores. The advice of a gym trainer will come in handy.

A good percentage of supplements are in pill form. Therefore, they can be swallowed easily. A gulp of water will transport a tablet to the stomach. Subsequently, digestion activity will take place. In some scenarios, it will take a few minutes before nutrients in question enter the blood stream. If such is the case, quick results will be witnessed because an individual will get energized in real time.

Energy is a must have element if one is exercising. Therefore, synthetic nutritional products are used to augment calorie output process. The ultimate result is enhancement of weight lifting ability. In simple language, a person will be able to train using very heavy loads. Actually, some pills can make an individual to show exceptional performance.

Those that are powdered are also quite effective. This is because; particles are very small therefore absorption starts in the mouth. Thus, results are almost instantaneous. Such should ideally be taken before the beginning of a heavy workout.

In simple language, the best product is the one that produces a favorable outcome in a matter of seconds or minutes. Efficiency is guaranteed if something was manufactured by a well known company. There are many quacks who have converted their basements into production facilities. Products from such individuals can easily be distinguished from FDA approved substances because of things like labeling and seals of quality.

One can easily find a good formulation. To be able to get a trusted supplement, a reputable vitamin store should be the ultimate choice. Consumers can either shop locally or online. The just mentioned alternative will require the use of credit card. A price comparison site will make the internet process to be a pleasant one. Also, it is advisable to read product reviews.

A weight lifter should know the best supplement for muscle growth. It will be possible to accomplish great feats if one is very informed. A quality pill will cause someone to exercise effectively and give improved results.

If you want to learn more about the best supplement for muscle growth, click the info link to get to the main site. You can find information on the best muscle gain supplement when you click this link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_P_Davis

What Are the 4 Best Muscle Building Supplements For Your Fast Growth?

When you are growing fast, your muscles need more nutrition. It is very difficult to fill up this additional nutritional requirement through regular diet. Usually there remains a gap between what your body needs and what it gets from diet. Here comes the role of muscle building supplement. Muscle building supplements are designed to fill these gaps, meeting higher nutritional requirements of your growing body.

Today's market is over-saturated with these products and everybody hypes their product as the best. Ordinary consumers are confused to choose one for them. It becomes an overwhelming task to select one from the big list of contenders. But if you look closely, you will see that what seemed to be overwhelming initially is not actually so. You can break the big problem into smaller pieces. First take a look at basic needs of your body and list them. Then see what you can supply through diet and how much of it. When you complete this exercise, compare the lists and you will get the items that your supplements must supply. Given below are some of the major supplement categories so that you can find what supplements you can add to your diet and balance your needs.

Protein Powder

You can use protein powder in following way:

1. Protein rich your regular meals.
2. Meet immediate protein needs especially after exercise when your muscles are hungry of protein.
3. Reduce muscle breakdown (muscle catabolism)
Protein powders are available in market in four types: whey, casein, soy and egg. Whey protein is most popular of all because of its complete amino acid profile. This is very helpful for muscle building. To select type of protein for yourself do not go by popularity but on important factors like: a) your diet plan, b) any food allergy, and c) easy availability at your local market.


Creatine provides energy to your muscles. This energy is used in muscle contraction. With added energy muscles can work longer and harder. This results in more reps, heavier weights and increased muscle mass.

The most popular form of creatine supplement is creatine monohydrate. You can take creatine monohydrate with water, fruit juice, dextrose or mixed with your protein or post workout shakes.


A multivitamin supplement that comes as capsule and tablet are a blend of essential vitamins and minerals. You take multivitamin to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals available in your normal diet. Multivitamin supplement does not show a direct link with muscle building but it helps keeping everyday health and well being.


Carbohydrate supplements come as simple and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are slow digesting carbohydrates that you can use for additional calorie in your diet. But the most use of carbohydrate supplement is in simple carbohydrates or dextrose. This is used in post workout shakes to create insulin spiking in your blood. It helps moving nutrients through bloodstream into muscles cell faster and replaces lost glycogen.

EFAs (essential fatty acids)

EFAs are fats and oils that play an essential role in muscle growth, fitness and general health. It enhances stamina; speedy recovery from exhaustion, a Danish study found that EFAs, when taken in the small amount, improved cardiovascular function.

EFA supplements are available in two forms - oils and pills. Pills can be taken throughout the day and oils can be mixed with protein shakes or spread onto foods. Oils are the better way to get the right amounts of EFAs into your diet and can help increase your daily calorie intake.

Learn more about how you can get best muscle building supplements Get our free eBook, build muscle fast and get yourself toned up in 6 weeks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Zordan